High School - Financial Literacy

  • Tutor: Jason
  • Level: Standard
  • Study time: 45 min
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Course overview:
This course is designed for learners to acquire the right skills towards accessing, managing, budgeting, spending and investing wealth as they grow older.
Course Timeline: Meet Twice A Week
Start Date End Date
Nov 3rd Feb 3rd
Dec 8th Mar 8th
Jan 5th Mar 30th
Course Requirements:
Access to a computer or laptop twice a week for live sessions.

Middle School Education Required.

Financial Literacy for High School Students

Kids aged 13-17 years are at a crucial stage of adolescence when they are eager to explore the domain of earning and pocket their first buck backed with the know-how about money matters gained through the elementary and middle school online financial literary courses.  Aynek has thus designed the financial literacy course for kids aged 13-17 years to ensure that the young adolescents learn to manage and handle all kinds of monetary matters with prudence and confidence. 
We cover the basics and advanced topics from a real world perspective.
The six aspects of financial literacy measured by the questionnaire were financial responsibility and decision making, income and career, planning and money management, credit and debt, risk management and insurance, and saving and investing.
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Significance of High School Financial Literary Courses


We understand that financial decisions are crucial and affect our lives in various ways. Our Financial literacy high school online course has been crafted to educate the teen minds about the importance of having a financial goal and ways to work towards it to make informed choices that can build satisfaction and peace in life. 


We often experience that not all learners think alike – while some are cautious, some tend to be temperamental by nature. We have therefore included tenets of human psychology in the Financial Literacy Curriculum for High School Students to spread awareness about the difference in perspectives and the consequences on finances. The learners thus can effectively modify, inculcate, incorporate, and imbibe thought patterns that could train them to articulate their earning capabilities vis-à-vis expectations. 


We believe every step of a learner towards ensuring financial security should be backed by the fundamental knowledge of how money works in our lives. The importance of a strong foundation for healthy money habits is thus what our Online Financial literacy classes for kids aged 13-17 years are primarily aimed at. The learners at Aynek get upskilled in strategizing ways to maximize earnings, minimize costs and make thoughtful and responsible monetary decisions.

Why should You Take High School Financial Literacy Courses

The main benefit of financial literacy is that it empowers us to make smart financial decisions. It provides the knowledge and skills we need to manage money effectively—budgeting, saving, borrowing, and investing. This means that we're better equipped to reach our financial goals and achieve financial stability.

Financial Literacy Curriculum for High School Students

The Financial Literary classes for kids aged 13-17 years involves analyzing real-life case studies and implications of financial decisions apart from the standardized format of learning advanced theories under the following heads:


Money – advanced theories and practical money management skills


Budgeting – chalking out financial goals and understanding of planned and unplanned expenditures.


Banking – advanced study about the banking operations and its effect on monetary decisions

Credit & Taxation 

Credit & Taxation – extensive know-how of the credit mechanisms and its practical implications


Investing – study of theories of speculation, money market dynamics, risk and investment management for stable livelihood 

Acquisition of Assets 

Acquisition of Assets – fundamentals of assets acquisition, loans, financing options, mortgages, leases and other financial mechanisms along with its effect on life.

Frequently Asked Questions!

What is the duration of the financial literacy courses for middle school kids?

The course duration is 3 months. Classes are held twice a week. Each session lasts for 45 minutes.

What is the duration of the financial literacy courses for middle school kids?

We record all live sessions so that in case you miss a particular class you may catch up with the lessons within 24 hours at your convenience and be ready for the next class in time.  

Do I have to appear for a test to receive a Completion Certificate in the Financial Literacy for High School Students?

You are not required to appear for any evaluation at the completion of the course. However, you may attempt a no-fail test at the end of the course to allow us issue a certificate of completion indicating that you have successfully passed a knowledge assessment test in addition to meeting the requirements of the course.


We’re here to bring out the greatness in every learner, the earlier the better . We see potential at every age and we believe everybody needs to learn essential knowledge in order to be ready for the real world.
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