Middle School - Legal knowledge Courses 

  • Tutor: Tom
  • Level: Entry
  • Study time: 45 minutes
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Course overview:
The primary purpose of this course is to make learners understand about laws and regulations, rules & penalties so that they may grow as responsible Citizens.
Course Timeline: Meet Twice A Week
Start Date End Date
Nov 3rd Feb 3rd
Dec 8th Mar 8th
Jan 5th Mar 30th
Course Requirements:
Access to a computer, laptop, tablet, or phone twice a week for live sessions.

Elementary Education Required.

Legal Knowledge Courses for Students

Attaining legal knowledge, as believed by the society at large, is not only a prerequisite for the legal students and professionals, every individual should at least be aware of the fundamental rights and the basic idea of how the law works for an individual within a society. The growing age is the best time to imbibe the understanding of the legal implications that affects the individual throughout the life cycle. Aynek Global Academy has therefore introduced its early childhood education online legal classes for small kids as an initiative to promote legal culture among the school going kids and educate them about the essentials of lawful living. 
Students Should Learn The Legal Process
Knowledge of the law is very essential; it helps us to promote legal culture. Every member of society should have the basic understanding of law. Commonly, the law is understood as a set of rules and regulations followed by society. Laws act as a guideline and create certain binding duties imposing responsibilities.
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Importance of Legal Knowledge Courses for Kids



Inculcating a legal know-how at a young age is primarily important since not only will it help the children protect themselves but will also make sure that their acts are in strict abidance of the law. The young children legal knowledge courses at Aynek have been designed by subject matter experts to teach the children about the basic set of legal rules and regulations that deters them to undertake activities or initiate actions that could be harmful for themselves and for the society at large. 


Most of us are not aware of our fundamental rights as a citizen which leaves us with enough reason not to understand whether and how far our rights have been violated or to what extent have we violated the rights of the other. We therefore drew up the most comprehensive and one of the best online early education courses for kids to teach them about the various facets of fundamental rights, its violation, and its implications to ensure that they grow up without infringing the rights of others.


Only when the kids have the information about how the legal infrastructure works within a society can they understand how it could be utilized for their own benefit as well as that of others. We have designed the basic legal knowledge courses for students to create an awareness about the proceedings of the law in general, in different aspects of life.

Importance of legal knowledge courses for kids

The curriculum for the young children legal knowledge courses have been crafted meticulously by the subject matter professionals to include a comprehensive learning mechanism that would teach the students about:

Responsibilities and Obligations 

Responsibilities and Obligations – we teach the children about the societal responsibilities and obligations, human rights, rights of children, consumer rights and the obligations of an individual towards his fellow beings, community and the society at large.

Legal rules and regulations 

Legal rules and regulations – we educate the young learners about the basics of criminal law, civil law, corporate law, property law, labour law, administrative and commercial law, constitutional law, importance of evidence, criminal prosecution, lawful code of conduct etc. 

Legal Documentation 

Legal Documentation – our experts offer a hands-on experience of the documentation procedure involved in different kinds of legal relationships. They are made aware of the various kinds of agreements and contracts that is formed between the parties to a legal relationship. 

Legal Documentation

Legal Documentation – our experts offer a hands-on experience of the documentation procedure involved in different kinds of legal relationships. They are made aware of the various kinds of agreements and contracts that is formed between the parties to a legal relationship. 

System of Justice 

System of Justice – we introduce the learners to the basics of the prevailing Federal and State justice system and the codes of rules and regulations associated with it.

Video Conferencing...

Enhance your virtual programs by allowing your learners to access high-quality live sessions.

Knowledge of the law is very essential; it helps us to promote legal culture. Every member of society should have the basic understanding of law. Commonly, the law is understood as a set of rules and regulations followed by society.

Frequently asked questions!

What is the duration of the basic legal knowledge courses for students?  

The course duration is 3 months. Classes are held twice a week. Each session lasts for 45 minutes.

How do I catch up if I miss a class?

We record all live sessions so that in case you miss a particular class you may catch up with the lessons within 24 hours at your convenience and be ready for the next class in time.  

Do I have to appear for a test to receive a Completion Certificate in the basic legal knowledge courses for students? 

You are not required to appear for any evaluation at the completion of the course. However, you may attempt a no-fail test at the end of the course to allow us issue a certificate of completion indicating that you have successfully passed a knowledge assessment test in addition to meeting the requirements of the course.


We’re here to bring out the greatness in every learner. We see potential at every age and we believe everybody needs to learn essential knowledge in order to be ready for the real world 
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